There are 8 more weekdays of Summer Vacation for the Shirey Family. To say that is has flown by is an understatement. Summer feels like Christmas Day to me. There are so many plans, so much excitement and build up and then poof! Summer is almost over and you still have things you didn't do...but so much that you did.

This Summer I chose not to stress. Yes there are times when I did over logistics with work, and not having set childcare, but I chose to step back and not worry about what didn't get done come the beginning of the School year. As a family, it was to be a fun easy Summer. No rush to get anywhere, and no exhaustion from being away from home every weekend, verses sleeping in and enjoying wonderful days in the Bay Area. I see that happening everywhere, when kids are booked every day throughout Summer that they didn't get lazy mornings to sleep in and wear PJ's on bicycles. Mind you, I know it is work logistics for many families, but even a week of staycation can give you that easy Summer vibe.
1,2,3 jump! |
We did it though. Each girl had a few special weeks of camp they adored. They sang songs, learned archery, did ballet, made new friends, and developed mentorships with new favorite camp counselors. They both rode their bikes daily, developing strong muscles in their legs and confidence in their skill. They stayed in pajamas 'till noon, somedays wearing them to play all day. They felt relaxed and I felt lighter.
We created and Adventure Box and in it we all got to add what we wanted to do. From Stand Up Paddleboarding, Monterey Bay Aquarium, bike riding to San Francisco, Trail Running dates, see Brave, road trip to Portland, Tahoe, and much more. Each week we would pick from the box and add it to the calendar. Thus, at Summer's end, every adventure we wanted to conquer was brought to fruition. We always look forward to finishing with our cherished trip to Portland and Seattle, finishing the trip at the Oregon Coast with Hood to Coast. The best way to make the last moments of Summer linger on.
Norah and Emerson at Tenderfoot Camp |
Camp Kids- Makenzie, Cami, Romey |
Emerson riding strong |
Even if I love Summer, right and left I hear Moms saying they can't wait for school to start so they can have their days back. Honestly, I am the opposite(mostly). I am relishing the days with the girls. I want each Summer day to extend by a few hours for more time on our bikes, more time doing underwater tea parties, more time racing across the pool, more time just "being". I know that my own Summer Time with them is getting shorter and shorter, as they get older and older. They're gradually going to have more desires to be with their friends, verses hanging with their Mom doing CannonBalls at the pool. I don't want to face that reality so I hold on. I have put aside many work projects and feel "ok" with it. I allowed myself to be ok with not completing my entire Summer "To Do" list, since I was honoring my Mom "To Do" list.
Makenzie riding strong- Bridge is up!
I let myself "be" with both girls. I have the images imprinted in my mind of their smiles, Lego castles, Barbie scenarios, strong running bodies, bubble butts in swimsuits, tan lines, swimmer's bleached out hair, ice cream faces, sleeping heads on my chest and hands intertwined with mine as we walked everywhere. I will catch up when school starts, cram in my own work, and be fine with the Summer days of past. I hope you enjoyed Summer as much as I did, and have images etched in your mind that make you appreciate simply "being" as the season changes again all to soon.
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I am probably out running, but I thank you for taking the time to share. I look forward to your additional input as this blog grows and evolves.
Erin Kreitz Shirey