Jack got home from my brother's bachelor party in New Orleans very late on Sunday night. As we were talking back and forth during his travels back home, I told him I was ready to RUN HARD on Monday and couldn't wait to pound the pavement. He understood as every runner does- 3 days without an intense run leaves a parent ready to pound it out. Mind you I had a blast with pur girls while Jack was gone, and we played tons on the rainy days inside, but my body was ready to push it.
Monday morning came, the four of us walked to the park together and then I took off for my run. My goal was to do 6 miles with a comfortable pace the first 2, push it the second 2 miles, and then blast it the last two miles. I had my iPhone Pandora station set to Katy Perry, favorite running capris and tank comfortably rockin', and was rolling along the beach path before I knew it. I ran upon a familiar gait and came upon Annie C. from Power Fitness PDX. We chatted a few steps and I rocked on. My pace was comfortable, about 7:20/25. I noticed so many people on the beach path and thought about how great Alameda is to raise kids; how fun it is to ride bicycles to the beach and even if overcast bring buckets and shovels to play in the sand. When I got to the Windsurf Shack my eyes continued to look towards the sky and the tons of kite surfers - kites dancing their way above our heads. I spotted an Irish kite made of shamrocks and smiled, knowing it was a sign I would make my kite surfing dream happen.
Coming up on mile 3-4 I decided to pick it up a notch. Smiling at every runner, giving the runner wave and nod, my body moved forward into racing mode. I was on the latter part of the See Jane Run course that I'm racing this upcoming Sunday, June 5th, and my body naturally started to kick into higher gear. Checked my watch-whew miles 3 was faster averaging 6:40/45 pace! My smile was growing and I was feeling good. But that soon changed.
At the turn around and I began running back towards home, my body was in a good place. I felt in tune with each step, my mind wasn't stressing on much, and then....I saw 4 police cars and two firetrucks ahead of me at Willow. My initial thought was Heaven forbid, a child was hit, but I continued my pace and ran closer. I was ready to close my eyes, fearing the heartache of identifying to closely with an injured child's parents', but was surprised to see fire fighters and police officers holding binoculars looking towards the water. Phew, I thought, a fun bit of sea life came towards the shore and they were probably called upon to assist with a rescue. The joys of living on an island ... I thought.
Once I passed Willow St. and all the cops, I pushed it faster determined to see what my body could do. Continuing down the nature path, running through Makenzie's school and towards home, my pace pushed 6:15/6:20 the last 2.5 miles! The sweat across my brow and down my back was intense, while my runner's high was strong. You know the feeling...one of sweat induced pride from a great run. I opened the front door excited to share the good run with Jack and the girls, in addition to sharing there was some fun action at the beach that may be some fun animal life. Heck, it happened in the '80's with Humphry the Humpback Whale in the Bay, so there must have been some fun excitement in the Bay again!
After talking and showering, we got distracted and decided to do some errands instead of rush back to the beach. Thank goodness we changed plans ...Today I brought up in Power Fitness PDX that there was something great at the beach yesterday. Not having any inkling of what a boot camper was about to share, my heart sunk when hearing what the real "something" was at the beach. A man walked into the water attempting to commit suicide and the Police and Fire Departments didn't have the water jurisdiction to rescue him. The many people at the beach didn't act act on the Good Samaritan law since they thought the Fire and Police had it under control. A 20 year old gal finally went out to help rescue the 53 year old man, but it was to late.
Hearing this has infuriated me. Being a lifeguard and swim instructor for years, I would have run into the water and waded to get the man to the shore. When running by the scene, everyone seemed non-chalant as if it wasn't an emergency but a safe rescue situation. Having experienced a dear friend's suicide just last August, it is a horrible experience and you feel helpless in not being able to help the one you loved. You feel helpless not being able to save any life- knowing the person or not. The government officials had the people at the beach, those running by and those who lived in all the apartments on Shoreline, with a false sense of security that they had the situation under control. Typing this has my blood boiling.
How is it, on an island, there is no jurisdiction to rescue people in the water? How is it possible that a man can commit suicide in the middle of the day, with so many watching feeling the situation was under control? How can there not be funds to pay for water rescue training of all officials, but there is money to pay for nice pensions and comfortable salaries??
Needless to say, the run will forever be remembered. One that is so sweet in speed, but bitter in experience. A run that made me think about why we are living in California, a state I love so much, but am so disappointed in with the government and where spending limits it's officials. So I write in hopes others are outraged too. I write in sharing my sadness that a life was lost while others looked on thinking he was ok, and in hoping it is a situation that will never be repeated for the rest of my daughters' lifetime. Once an island girl, always an island girl. But this was one day I wish I grew up on a different island....
** To read the story about the drowning, please read here & here
Mom to 2 wonderful & brave girls who make me ME.Both had severe medical needs and hospital care.I’m also a Type-A Mamapreneur,own Power Fitness PDX, incredible hubby and digest all of life's challenges through running and training.From believing in my kids strengths, it's helped me truly believe in myself.Yes, I’d love to sometimes find that bridge and run to Hawaii, but I love my life.We have one life-make sure to EMBRACE EVERY MINUTE as they are never brought back.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Summer is almost here and with that highlights body image issues for every female. Why do we worry about our bodies so much- how they look, jiggle, move, jump, plump, flop or lift? When eating healthy diets and exercising daily, why do we stress if our bodies can't fight gravity the way we want them to? Where do these insecurities come from, and how can we help our daughters avoid them?
When we lived in LA, we had a blast but knew that it wasn't where we wanted to raise our daughter. When Makenzie was born, we picked 5 cities to move to by the time she was to be 5 years old. We beat that timing and moved to Portland, a city of incredible body acceptance, when Makenzie was shy of 4 months old. The move was significant in Makenzie's first years of life, and my months being postnatal and getting stronger again. In LA when pregnant, I felt ginormous. I was in the fitness industry, and while active I can vividly remember some gentleman with beer bellies at the club I worked at, asking if I was having twins. Exactly what a 5'1" 28 year old wants to hear, especially when she is surrounded by tall soap stars and "stars in their own mind" LA peeps every day. Even being active, we knew it wasn't the healthiest place for us to raise a daughter. And having had an eating disorder in Junior High and High School, if we could prevent any external pressures on body image for our kid, I was determined we would.
Thus Portland- it was great! While a female can never escape the media, in Portland so many women are encouraged and accepted for being rockstar athletes. The confidence in who you are and how you hold yourself flourishes when amongst women who are just happy to BE themselves. Mind you, when in Portland, we were constantly surrounded by other men and women who lived healthy lifestyles since many of our friends were clients and trainers from my fitness businesses. They drank the same "health and fitness" juice that we did; living the life of athletes with kids.
When in Portland, I actually became more confident in my own body. I don't know if it was the ability to feel solid and strong after 2 c-sections, if it was being inspired by the consistent runners I saw every morning in Forest Park or climbing Mt. Tabor stairs with an Ergo and my babies on my back. We all moved because it felt "good to do", and for me I wanted to identify with my athlete self in addition to my Mom self. With that comfort in my own skin, I gained even more confidence in my own training and teaching abilities. It led to not just knowing I was an athlete, but feeling my body could push itself harder than I thought possible. I knew it would hurt, but so many others were training too and to train among some of the best in the world made me push harder. My times got faster which led to me getting more and more inspired. I LOVED, and still do, knowing that Makenzie (and later Emerson) would only know their Mom as someone who ran, rode, swam and trained all the time. They don't know anything but being a female means being strong and embracing your solid legs, smaller chest, and strong back. They know it means you exercise when you first wake up to kick off your day and your metabolism; that you use your body for your vehicle by riding or running to do errands and visit friends.
Every Summer, we made our daily run or ride to the swimming pool. When the girls had lessons I would swim laps, always peaking over in between strokes. I loved watching them jump comfortably in their swimsuits, bum cheeks popping out in their suit bottoms and not caring at all. I relished seeing them joyful as they were moving all over the swimming pool. We swam for hours and would play in the adjacent Grant Park until the sun went down. Continuously it was my goal to tell them how strong their bodies were, how incredible their bodies were for doing big jumps and swimming with big rainbow arms. I was focused, and will forever be, in making sure they know their body is a gift and to embrace all it has to offer.
It is hard as a Mom to do that at times, since everyone has days where they don't feel "right" in their own skin. Guys want to be a bit stronger with bigger shoulders while ladies are eager for a flat stomach and bums you could bounce quarters off of. As a Mom, it evolves to the midsection. As much core work as you do, you will forever have an altered core from growing beautiful little beings in you. Even for those who train for hours, your body does change and it is part of nature. It shouldn't be fought but embraced.
A few years back when teaching Baby Boot Camp, some of the boot campers were complaining about their cores and not being what they were pre-pregnancy. I will never forget stopping them mid-run with a serious teaching voice and explaining how as a female one of the biggest jobs nobody tells you about is retraining your body how to work post childbirth. But as you retrain, you will most likely be stronger than you were before kids and will be able to physically handle more than pre-children. A few of the ladies continued verbalizing their frustrations and said we, the instructors, didn't know what it was like since we were in shape. At that, 2 other instructors and myself lifted our workout tanks and showed the gals our stomachs. While all were strong and toned, we also had a bit of skin shift at the belly button or lower abdomen from c-sections. Even with strong solid stomachs, we all did have children and embraced our bodies for doing so. We also tried to not focus on it, but focus on how many push ups we could do, how fast we could run, how high we could jump, or how our weeks' were better for exercising together.
Last week we were getting ready to swim and Makenzie made a comment about being fat in a swimsuit. My jaw dropped to the ground and immediately we discussed how beautiful her strong body was. She said it not with worry, but in a matter of fact manner. Emerson was standing beside me and said loudly, "Makenzie you are not fat! You are strong and can swim like a mermaid". Proud Mama moment to hear Emerson talk, but mixed moment to hear Makenzie's words. I asked where the comment came from and she said that at school some of the girls were talking about their bodies and since they said they felt fat, she did too. So there we were, my two beautiful girls and myself in our bikinis, having a body image talk. I told Makenzie that girls hear things about their bodies and shouldn't worry about it, but be so happy for strong bodies that can work incredibly! Her body has gone through more than many do in a lifetime and is so stellar in all it has done and will continue to do. We talked about all the dynamic things our bodies can do and how it doesn't matter how we look, but how we feel and to always be active and have fun with what bodies we were given. I poked fun at myself for being short, but able to walk under tree branches without ducking. We pointed out our freckles, different eye colors and cool scars. Then we walked to the pool standing tall and cannon balled into the water holding hands.
I know I can't protect my daughters from external images and what the media presents regarding women and their bodies. But I can try my hardest, as can you, to encourage self acceptance and pride in the great bodies they(and all others) have been given. There are not enough minutes in the day to spend worrying about not fitting into a specific model standard. Instead use what would be worry minutes to be physical and get the endorphin rush. It is much more rewarding than 30 minutes spent contemplating one's boob or booty size.
Grab your bikini, your smile and head to the pool proudly. You have an incredible body and now is your time to make it shine!!!!
When we lived in LA, we had a blast but knew that it wasn't where we wanted to raise our daughter. When Makenzie was born, we picked 5 cities to move to by the time she was to be 5 years old. We beat that timing and moved to Portland, a city of incredible body acceptance, when Makenzie was shy of 4 months old. The move was significant in Makenzie's first years of life, and my months being postnatal and getting stronger again. In LA when pregnant, I felt ginormous. I was in the fitness industry, and while active I can vividly remember some gentleman with beer bellies at the club I worked at, asking if I was having twins. Exactly what a 5'1" 28 year old wants to hear, especially when she is surrounded by tall soap stars and "stars in their own mind" LA peeps every day. Even being active, we knew it wasn't the healthiest place for us to raise a daughter. And having had an eating disorder in Junior High and High School, if we could prevent any external pressures on body image for our kid, I was determined we would.
Thus Portland- it was great! While a female can never escape the media, in Portland so many women are encouraged and accepted for being rockstar athletes. The confidence in who you are and how you hold yourself flourishes when amongst women who are just happy to BE themselves. Mind you, when in Portland, we were constantly surrounded by other men and women who lived healthy lifestyles since many of our friends were clients and trainers from my fitness businesses. They drank the same "health and fitness" juice that we did; living the life of athletes with kids.
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2010 Summer -Lake Tahoe- Swimsuit pride! |
Every Summer, we made our daily run or ride to the swimming pool. When the girls had lessons I would swim laps, always peaking over in between strokes. I loved watching them jump comfortably in their swimsuits, bum cheeks popping out in their suit bottoms and not caring at all. I relished seeing them joyful as they were moving all over the swimming pool. We swam for hours and would play in the adjacent Grant Park until the sun went down. Continuously it was my goal to tell them how strong their bodies were, how incredible their bodies were for doing big jumps and swimming with big rainbow arms. I was focused, and will forever be, in making sure they know their body is a gift and to embrace all it has to offer.
pool joy |
A few years back when teaching Baby Boot Camp, some of the boot campers were complaining about their cores and not being what they were pre-pregnancy. I will never forget stopping them mid-run with a serious teaching voice and explaining how as a female one of the biggest jobs nobody tells you about is retraining your body how to work post childbirth. But as you retrain, you will most likely be stronger than you were before kids and will be able to physically handle more than pre-children. A few of the ladies continued verbalizing their frustrations and said we, the instructors, didn't know what it was like since we were in shape. At that, 2 other instructors and myself lifted our workout tanks and showed the gals our stomachs. While all were strong and toned, we also had a bit of skin shift at the belly button or lower abdomen from c-sections. Even with strong solid stomachs, we all did have children and embraced our bodies for doing so. We also tried to not focus on it, but focus on how many push ups we could do, how fast we could run, how high we could jump, or how our weeks' were better for exercising together.
Last week we were getting ready to swim and Makenzie made a comment about being fat in a swimsuit. My jaw dropped to the ground and immediately we discussed how beautiful her strong body was. She said it not with worry, but in a matter of fact manner. Emerson was standing beside me and said loudly, "Makenzie you are not fat! You are strong and can swim like a mermaid". Proud Mama moment to hear Emerson talk, but mixed moment to hear Makenzie's words. I asked where the comment came from and she said that at school some of the girls were talking about their bodies and since they said they felt fat, she did too. So there we were, my two beautiful girls and myself in our bikinis, having a body image talk. I told Makenzie that girls hear things about their bodies and shouldn't worry about it, but be so happy for strong bodies that can work incredibly! Her body has gone through more than many do in a lifetime and is so stellar in all it has done and will continue to do. We talked about all the dynamic things our bodies can do and how it doesn't matter how we look, but how we feel and to always be active and have fun with what bodies we were given. I poked fun at myself for being short, but able to walk under tree branches without ducking. We pointed out our freckles, different eye colors and cool scars. Then we walked to the pool standing tall and cannon balled into the water holding hands.
proud to be STRONG |
Grab your bikini, your smile and head to the pool proudly. You have an incredible body and now is your time to make it shine!!!!
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